Tag Archives: university

Life Happens


Hello People,

I’m sorry I haven’t written anything for a long time ! Well I was having some hard time actually. So as I said in one of my previous posts I am in university and this year suppose to be my second year but you now life happens ! I guess. When my second year started in media design I decided that I can really do it anymore. I don’t really know why I haven’t noticed it earlier. Classes in italian wasn’t working for me so in the middle of the first semester I decided to change my course and the only option I had was Graphic Design in english in the same university. I was ready to do whatever it takes to not be in the media design course, even changing the university or going back home.

Well saying this actually sounds funny because before I started university I used to say that I was going to become a film maker no matter what. Life is funny people really funny. I am still passionate about films and film making but ever since I started studying graphic design, well I’m confused.

Guys this is not a sad post don’t worry! But seems like it’s about quarter life crisis a little. Well talking about quarter life crisis wasn’t really what I wanted to talk about in this post either. I just wanted to say that life happens but as far as my school life goes I feel much better now.

Sorry I can’t really finish this post with “bana olur”, this post is not like that. And another apology for this incredibly cheesy ending. I’m gonna go now and I’ll try to write more !


Hope I’ll see you again lovely person who’s reading this blog !

First Impression


Hey !

 Welcome to my very first post ! Umm… I actually don’t have any clue about how to start this. Maybe I should start with introducing myself. Well, my name is Beliz. I am currently living in Milan, Italy, because I am a student in an university called Nuova Academia di Belle Arti Milano ( The New Academy of Fine Arts). I am a media design student and the reason I chose it because I want to work in the cinema industry in the future. I am from Istanbul. Okay now enough with the boring info! For the beginning I can say that I am a person who always sees the empty side of the glass. Yes, I am a little pessimist and I am truly unlucky. To prove that I can tell you the phrase that I use the most, “bana olur !” (in turkish), with a bad translation it means “it only happens to me”. A few minutes ago I took a break to writing this post and I went to the bathroom. Guess what happened? Someone called me and when I came back I called her back, she didn’t pick up. See I’m not exaggerating ! If you keep following my posts you will know more about me and my unlucky adventure. Well that’s it from me for now ! 🙂


Miss Murphy
